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Behaviour Policy

Our Clubs, Classes and Camps offers children a chance to explore and experience freedom. While that sense of independence is one of the best parts, it can also lead to misbehaviour.

That’s why we have a clearly defined behaviour policy.


We communicate our behaviour policy to our attendees right off the bat, and to ensure you understand it's part of your booking process to confirm that you have read and understood it.


Our policy isn’t so different from what children are used to in school. For example, children should be respectful of other children and staff, follow staff instructions, participate in planned activities, maintain good hygiene, and clean up after themselves.

We forbid certain behaviours, such as

  • Bullying

  • Fighting

  • Threatening others

  • Using profanity

  • Stealing or damaging venue property or the property of others

  • Leaving a session or activity without permission

  • Endangering anyone’s health or safety


Fighting and bullying

Physical fights are rare but do need special attention. We will take immediate action, such as separating the children and checking over minor injuries.

We will talk to each child separately about what caused the fight. We will not rush to blame anyone; get all sides of the issue, try to find and resolve the underlying cause, and when things have settled down, work with the children together to help them put their differences aside and make up. 

All children who attend have the right to feel safe from bullying.

We will remind the children of our camp’s behaviour policy and explain in no uncertain terms that we will enforce it.


The disciplinary process - 3 Step Approach


Step 1

verbal warning, preferably on a one-to-one basis so we don’t embarrass the child.

Stay calm, we will clearly explain that the child has broken a rule and acted inappropriately.  We always seek to understand and allow for a response; there’s usually a reason behind the misbehaviour.

Learning the cause helps our coaches prevent it from reoccurring.


Step 2

If the behaviour continues, we will enforce a time-out (time away from the group), a withholding of privileges, or removal from a group activity for a day.


Step 3

If misbehaviour continues, we will contact the main contact or emergency contact and ask for the child to be picked up as soon as possible.



Our coaching will always be impartial and apply the rules consistently and fairly.

We also believe that positive reinforcement can be more powerful than punishment. When we observe campers behaving well, getting along, and having fun responsibly, we praise them for it.


Last updated 16th June 2022


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