Providing students with a voice and life-ready skills
Change Your Paradigm​
Leader in Me is based on a model of change centred around mindset.​​ The premise is that when you change the way you see things, it influences what you do and the results you get.
Leader in Me has been described in many ways by the leaders that we partner with a process, a framework, a philosophy, a transformational programme. Ultimately Leader in Me takes a blended approach to delivering an experience that shifts your paradigm: it’s a new way of thinking that puts the student at the heart of the solution, providing them with a voice and life-ready skills, whilst focusing on culture, academics and leadership.
“If you want small changes, work on your behaviour; if you want quantum-leap changes, work on your paradigms.”​
Stephen R Covey​

See Things Differently
The Leader in Me journey starts with the adoption of 5 new paradigms.​

Paradigm of Leadership
Everyone Can Be a Leader:
We all have the ability to lead, serve, influence, and make a difference.

Paradigm of Potential
Everyone Has Genius:
Recognise and celebrate the unique gifts and talents of each student, teacher, parent, and community member.

Paradigm of Change
Change Starts with Me:
Don’t sit back and wait for change. With this paradigm, individuals are proactive and empowered.

Paradigm of Motivation
Empower Students to Lead Their Own Learning
See the incredible synergy that develops throughout schools and classrooms when everyone has a voice.

Paradigm of Education
Partnerships to Develop the Whole Person
Schools and classrooms work with families to guide each child to create their own best life.
Do Things Differently
Leader in Me integrates highly-effective practices across all three areas of leadership, culture, and academics.
Start with adults learning and modelling​
All adults involved in student achievement learn and model effective practices at school, at home, and in the community.
Teach students to lead​
Develop systems that allow students to lead, teach, and learn from other students in all facets of their learning experience.


Create a leadership environment​
Staff, students, and families collaboratively create and maintain an environment that empowers students and communicates the worth and potential of everyone.
Share leadership​
Build systems to authentically involve students in the continuous improvement of all aspects of the school and community, and provide real opportunities for them to lead, innovate, and collaborate.
Achieve goals​
Everyone is aware of and can articulate the goal and current state of the progress toward achieving said goal.​
Empower learners​
Students use Leadership Portfolios and take primary ownership of updating, assessing, and reflecting on their progress toward their personal and academic goals.
Get Meaningful Results
Leader in Me helps you to succeed and drive measurable results for your key priorities and initiatives.​
96% Positive impact in Developing Leadership skills

34% Increase in Positive Social Emotional Behaviours
91% Pupil Discipline Referrals Rate Reduction
Accelerate academic achievement​
Leader in Me schools teach students important skills to help them succeed throughout their entire life, including in the classroom to enhance their academic growth.
Improve student behaviour​
Increase student confidence, decrease behaviour incidents at school and at home, and empower students with the leadership skills to interact successfully together.
Increase teacher satisfaction​
Empower teachers to lead, have a voice in decisions, and create a culture where educators want to be involved.
Cultivate family engagement​
Engage families as partners in student learning and leadership development.
How To Get Started
Empower your School with Leader in Me! This program offers a mindset and tools to foster mental health empowerment among staff and students.

Meet Us
Schedule a meeting, or attend one of our school Leader in Me workshops near you.

Visit a School
Arrange to visit a Leader in Me school, and see first-hand how the lives of children and families in disadvantaged areas are being transformed.

Create a plan
Together we create an implementation plan for your school to accomplish your goals and get the results you want. We guide you and empower your team to make it happen.
Partners & Awards


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