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We partner with you to develop life-ready leaders

96% Positive impact in Developing Leadership skills

34% Increase in Positive Social Emotional Behaviours

91% Pupil Discipline Referrals Rate Reduction

We believe that education has a great role to play in creating sustainable change


Maintaining a positive school climate and managing student behaviour effectively are ongoing challenges.

Socioeconomic factors can create disparities in educational attainment

Attendance management is a challenge especially since COVID

Maintaining student and staff wellbeing is increasingly difficult.

The pressure of meeting assessment targets has a huge impact on staff and staff retention.

Increasing financial pressure due to budget cuts.

We empower you to provide every child with a fair chance at success

Create a positive, supportive learning environment and improve academic outcomes.

Improve school performance, enhance student outcomes and create a positive school culture.

Provide students with resilience and life-ready skills to face University and an ever-changing workforce.

Increase staff capability and create a high trust culture.


Primary Schools

Leader in Me enables you to create a culture where students take ownership of their own learning, success and future.

Leader in Me is a powerful process that creates a paradigm of empowerment and enables teachers, students and their families to experience positive change. This change in turn has been proven to have a positive impact on many of the challenges experienced by educators.


The process also provides schools with the ability to include parents and the local community into the broader life of the school, thus providing further opportunities for ongoing and lasting enhancement of educational outcomes.

Secondary Schools

The Leader in Me offers a different paradigm – one of empowerment.

Arriving At School

Experience student-led culture transformation.

Many senior school students quickly discover their independence, ambitions, opinions, and beliefs about themselves and the world they live in. However, some students struggle to feel a sense of belonging, purpose, and direction in their life.


As a Leader in Me School you create an inclusive student-led culture. Your students find their voice and develop critical skills to help them successfully navigate university, career, and life.


Staff Development

We support your personal growth journey and work with your leaders to develop more effective ways to engage and lead others.

As an established partner for educators, we understand your key challenges around improving overall school performance, enhancing student outcomes, and fostering a positive school culture.

Whether you are looking to provide continuous professional development for staff members, to build senior leadership capability or to support staff through our leadership academy we have the right solution for you.

Smiling Teacher

Continuous Professional Development

We believe that the strength and success of a team starts with strong individual performance at all levels.

Leadership Academy

Our Leadership Academy enables you to build capabilities such as creating a vision, inspiring trust and strategic execution for your leadership team.

How To Get Started

Empower your School with Leader in Me! This program offers a mindset and tools to foster mental health empowerment among staff and students.


Meet Us

Schedule a meeting, or attend one of our school Leader in Me workshops near you.


Visit a School

Arrange to visit a Leader in Me school, and see first-hand how the lives of children and families in disadvantaged areas are being transformed.


Create a plan

Together we create an implementation plan for your school to accomplish your goals and get the results you want. We guide you and empower your team to make it happen.

Partners & Awards

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